Data Science Projects for 2024 - Learn Data Science, Analytics and Gen AI through Hands-on Projects for 2024.

Data Science Projects for 2024 - Learn Data Science, Analytics and Gen AI through Hands-on Projects for 2024.

Data Science through Hands-on Projects |

Data Science through Hands-on Projects

Explore a wide-range of Data Science, Analytics and Generative AI Project-based Micro Modules from the Code4X platform. Our modules cut across multiple industries, problem types to offer a diverse range of learning experience to our learners. All the projects are designed on Real-world problem statements and production grade solutions to give you the exact experience required by the Industry.

What Is Code4x

Code4x Projects is a platform where we offer Micro Learning Modules that are deigned based on hands-on real-life projects on topics such as Generative AI, Data Science and Analytics. Code4X serves as your launchpad for your Data Science career as it provides rich Project exposure that you can showcase in your Resume.

We Learn Best By Doing

Code4x's proven learning methodology. Start Project, Learn, Get Feedback, Earn Certification and Strengthen Your CV.

Learning by Doing Projects|

  • Learn Data Science, Analytics and Gen AI by doing Projects
  • Create a Standout Project Portfolio for your Resume
  • Boost your problem solving skills
  • Master 20+ tools & technologies
  • Feedback on project report
  • Review source code by expert

Exploring Code4x Impact

0 +
0 +
Project Completed
0 +
Certificate Issued
0 +

Tools You will Master

Master cutting-edge tools to tackle data-driven challenges

Our Finest Courses

Work on 40+ real world projects and get practical industry relevant experience

Data Science Projects

Analytics Projects

Gen AI Projects

Certificate Of Completion

Showcase your Project Portfolio and Project Certificates for Placement.

Customers sharing their love on online platforms

Advance Your Career Today

✓ Personalized Success Roadmap
✓ Exclusive Guided Projects
✓ 1000+ hours of learning content

✓ Career Acceleration Team
✓ Mock Interviews
✓ 40+ projects


One-time offer to purchase a bundle of top 6 Data Science Projects priced at ₹ 1200/-

One Time

Career Leap 2024 Offer

Flat 60% OFF


Data Science Hands-on Projects are practical, real-world exercises designed to give you hands-on experience in applying data science techniques to solve actual problems. These projects provide an opportunity to work with real data sets, apply machine learning algorithms, and gain practical skills in data analysis and interpretation.

These projects are suitable for anyone interested in learning data science, from beginners to experienced professionals looking to enhance their skills. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or a hobbyist, our projects cater to various skill levels and backgrounds.

By completing our Data Science Hands-on Projects, you will gain proficiency in data analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning techniques, data visualization, and more. You'll also develop problem-solving skills and learn how to effectively communicate your findings through data-driven insights.

Our projects utilize popular data science tools and technologies such as Python programming language, Jupyter Notebooks, pandas, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and more. These tools are widely used in the industry and offer a comprehensive platform for data analysis and machine learning.

Yes, upon successful completion of a project, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate serves as a testament to your newly acquired skills and can be a valuable addition to your resume or portfolio.

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